9/11 T-Shirts!
For a very long time, we'd been waiting for truthful 9/11 truth shirts to appear.
Well, we finally got tired of waiting: We've made our own! And we encourage you to do the same.
Now that we've done the work of creating our first iron-on transfers, we'd like to share them. Here's the deal:
The iron-on transfers are created using an ink-jet printer to print a mirrored image onto a special kind of paper. And you probably already have a light-colored T-shirt or sweatshirt. So the only other thing you need is an iron, and a hard flat surface that can withstand heat (advice). Voila! Another 9/11 truth shirt is born.
So if you want to help the truth move, download these iron-on patterns and get to work!
Each pattern is intended to make maximum use of a full 8.5" x 11" sheet, by including multiple iron-on transfers on a single page (use scissors). Specify 1/4" left and top margins when printing these 8" x 10.5" patterns (Make sure you download (right-click and save) the mirrored TIF files for iron-on transfers, and the normal ones for printing bumper stickers or signs, like for your car windows, or to hold high on a board through your car's sunroof whenever traffic stops.)
(Scroll down for more patterns)
Pattern 1
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 1a
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 2
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 2a
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 2b
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 2c
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 3
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
This transfer pattern was sufficient for us to make our first shirt, with DEMS KNOW high on the front, and BUSH KNEW high across the back, with "911blimp.com" several inches below it.
Pattern 5
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 5a
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
NOTE: This stylish pattern is not picked up well by TV cameras or easy to make out at a glance, so if you're trying to get the message on camera, or want it to be legible from a distance or at an angle, you're better off sticking with another pattern until this one catches on.
Pattern 5c
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 5d
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 5e
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 5f
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Lots of breast pocket and sleeve patch and hat iron-ons, or good for small decorations around the office.
Pattern 6
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 6a
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 7
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 7a
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Good bumper stickers! 
Pattern 8
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
Pattern 9
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
(Good front for 10a)
Pattern 10a
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
(Good back for 9) (you can cut off the spare blimp)
Pattern 11
download iron-on pattern (mirrored)
download un-mirrored
- more to come -
Comments? Suggestions? Requests?